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Um grande abraço do Prof. Newton Rocha!

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Funny business concept - cat, pen and blank open notepad


  1. Briefly tell about a movie you saw recently.
  2. Can television (or videogames) influence your behaviour? How?
  3. Describe a famous park or recreation area in your home country.
  4. Describe a memorable birthday celebration.
  5. Describe a place you go for recreation or exercise.
  6. Describe a place you will never forget.
  7. Describe a sporting event you attended recently.
  8. Describe a time when you felt vengeful.
  9. Describe an interesting neighbor you have had.
  10. Describe someone you respect deeply.
  11. Describe something you could never give away.
  12. Describe the nightlife in a city you are familiar with.
  13. Describe your childhood home.
  14. Do you think it is necessary to have alcohol at a party in order to have a good time?
  15. Do you think there is too much fighting on t.v. Why or why not?
  16. Does it bother you to be around someone who has bad manners?
  17. Explain how to play your favorite game.
  18. Explain why we say, “dead as a door nail”.
  19. Families are important because…
  20. How do feel on (any holiday)?
  21. How do you feel about your appearance?
  22. How do you feel during a thunderstorm?
  23. How do you feel on a warm sunny day?
  24. How do you feel on Thanksgiving? What are you thankful for?
  25. How do you feel on the first day of school?
  26. How do you feel on the first day of winter? Why?
  27. How do you feel when it’s your birthday? Why?
  28. How do you feel when something scares you? What do you do when this happens?
  29. How do you feel when you are in bed with the lights out?
  30. How do you feel when you do something that is very good?
  31. How do you feel when you do something wrong?
  32. How do you feel when you have had a fight with your best friend?
  33. How do you feel when you play a trick on someone?
  34. How do you feel when you sleep at someone’s house?
  35. How do you feel when you stay with a babysitter?
  36. How do you feel when you want something very badly and you cannot have it? Why is this so important to have?
  37. How do you feel when your parents are upset with you? Why do they become upset with you?
  38. How do you feel when you’re leaving home on vacation?
  39. How do you have the most fun–alone, with a large group, with a few friends–and why?
  40. How do you think eating junk food affects you?
  41. How do you think the new child would feel?
  42. How do you think your friend felt?
  43. How would you change the world to make it better?
  44. How would you describe your house to someone who has never visited there before?
  45. How would you feel if a new child moved into your neighbourhood?
  46. How would you feel if someone told you that you were his or her best friend?
  47. How would you feel if you were going to be on a show? Why?
  48. If it were your job to decide what shows can be on t.v., how would you choose?
  49. If there were no rules, what do you think would happen?
  50. If you could break the Guiness Book of Records it would be for?
  51. If you could change one major historical event, what would it be?
  52. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?
  53. If you could do whatever you wanted to right now, what would you do?
  54. If you could give any gift in the world, what would you give and to whom?
  55. If you could have been someone in history, who would you have been?
  56. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  57. If you could only take 3 people with you on a trip around the world, who would you take and why?
  58. If you could participate in an Olympic event, which one would you choose and why?
  59. If you had to describe yourself as a colour, which would you choose?
  60. If you owned a store, what would you do to discourage people from stealing from you?
  61. If you received any sum of money as a gift, what would you do with it?
  62. If you were a mouse in your house in the evening, what would you see your family doing?
  63. If you were five years older you would…
  64. If you were lost in the woods and it got dark, what would you do?
  65. If you were principal of this school, what would you do?
  66. If your friend told you of a secret plan to run away from home, what would you do and why?
  67. Once, when you were embarrassed, what happened?
  68. Once, when you were very frightened, what happened?
  69. Once, when your feelings were hurt, what happened?
  70. Should animals be used for medical research?
  71. Should cellphones be allowed in school?
  72. Should junk food be banned from schools?
  73. Should people be prohibited from smoking in certain places?
  74. Should schools be year-round?
  75. Should skateboards be allowed on sidewalks?
  76. Should students be required to learn a second language?
  77. Should the Canadian Government financially support Olympic teams?
  78. Should there be a dress code in places such as school, restaurants, and places of business? Why or why not?
  79. Should you be required to wear a bike helmet? Why or why not?
  80. Should you have to do chores around the house? Why or why not?
  81. Should you have to take tests in school?
  82. Tell about a “close call” you had recently.
  83. Tell about a recent job interview.
  84. Tell about a time when you inadvertently caused trouble for someone else.
  85. Tell about a time when you lied to your parents, boss, or teacher.
  86. Tell about a time when you lost something.
  87. Tell about a time when you were treated unfairly.
  88. Tell about one of your fondest childhood memories.
  89. Tell about something you made ?from scratch.?
  90. Tell about something you wish had never happened.
  91. Tell how to discipline an unruly child.
  92. Tell how to dump a boyfriend/girlfriend.
  93. Tell how to feed family members who drop by unexpectedly.
  94. Tell how to find something on the Internet.
  95. Tell how to get a discount on an expensive item.
  96. Tell how to get a good table at a restaurant.
  97. Tell how to get from your house to the supermarket.
  98. Tell how to get someone to fall in love with you.
  99. Tell how to make a paper airplane.
  100. Tell what to do in an earthquake.
  101. Think of the best teacher you ever had. Why were they a good teacher?
  102. Think of your favourite toy. Why do you like it best?
  103. What advice would you give a new student?
  104. What advice would you give to someone who stole something but now feels guilty?
  105. What are junk foods?
  106. What are some examples of prejudice?
  107. What are some nutritious foods that you like?
  108. What are some rules you have to follow at home?
  109. What are you afraid of? Why?
  110. What colour makes you think of happiness?
  111. What do we mean when we say, “Hitch your wagon to a star”?
  112. What do we mean when we say, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”?
  113. What do we mean when we say, “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”?
  114. What do you do for exercise?
  115. What do you like most about yourself?
  116. What do you like to do in your free time?
  117. What do you think about ghosts?
  118. What do you think about having set rules for people to follow?
  119. What do you think about people polluting the environment?
  120. What do you think about people who are inconsiderate of others?
  121. What do you think about people who take advantage of others?
  122. What do you think about students having to wear school uniforms?
  123. What do you think about the amount of violence on T.V.?
  124. What do you think about when you can’t fall asleep?
  125. What do you think courage means?
  126. What do you think makes a good friend?
  127. What do you think makes a happy family?
  128. What do you think of 3D movies?
  129. What do you think of someone who has bad manners?
  130. What do you think should be done to keep people who are under the influence of alcohol off the road?
  131. What do you think someone your age can do to help reduce the amount of pollution in our environment?
  132. What do you think the world needs now?
  133. What do you think the world will be like when you are a grown up?
  134. What do you think your friends say to each other when you’re not around?
  135. What does “Clothes make the person” mean to you?
  136. What does “Have your cake and eat it too” mean to you?
  137. What does “still waters run deep” mean to you?
  138. What does “The early bird gets the worm” mean to you?
  139. What does “There are two sides to every coin” mean to you?
  140. What does “You can’t take it with you” mean?
  141. What does Canada mean to you?
  142. What eccentric behaviour in a friend disturbs you the most?
  143. What effects do cigarette and alcohol advertising have on young people?
  144. What effects does watching violence have on people?
  145. What four things are most important in your life?
  146. What has been the most fun activity at school so far?
  147. What if all the streets were rivers? What would be different?
  148. What if cows gave root beer instead of milk?
  149. What if everyone lived under water? Where would people live? What games would children play? What would school be like?
  150. What if you could walk up walls and across ceilings?
  151. What is a good neighbour?
  152. What is more important to you, appearance or personality?
  153. What is most important to you in a friend–loyalty, generosity, honesty–why?
  154. What is something that makes you feel sad?
  155. What is something that makes you melancholy?
  156. What is something that really bugs you?
  157. What is something that really makes you angry?
  158. What is something you are optimistic about?
  159. What is something you are pessimistic about?
  160. What is something you dislike about yourself?
  161. What is something you do well?
  162. What is the best advice you ever received?
  163. What is the best birthday present you could receive?
  164. What is the best birthday present you ever received?
  165. What is the best way to treat meddlesome people?
  166. What is the funniest dinner you’ve ever had with your family?
  167. What is the meaning of “He laughs best who laughs last”?
  168. What is the most ludicrous outfit you can think of?
  169. What is the worst thing parents can do to their children?
  170. What is your favourite book and why?
  171. What is your favourite day of the week?
  172. What is your favourite holiday? What makes this holiday special?
  173. What is your favourite month? Why?
  174. What is your favourite room in your home and why?
  175. What is your favourite song and why?
  176. What is your favourite time of day?
  177. What is your idea of a dull evening?
  178. What is your most indispensable possession and why?
  179. What is your opinion about a current politician?
  180. What is your opinion about cellular phones?
  181. What is your opinion about cloning?
  182. What is your opinion about fortune telling?
  183. What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
  184. What is your opinion about recycling?
  185. What is your opinion about the tabloids?
  186. What is your opinion about the welfare system?
  187. What is your opinion about violence on television?
  188. What is your opinion about women in the military?
  189. What kind of animal would you like to be and why?
  190. What kind of pet would you most like to have–monkey, snake, goat–why?
  191. What kind of program do you enjoy most on TV–detective shows, comedies, game shows–and why?
  192. What kind of t.v. commercial would you like to make? Describe it.
  193. What kind of trophy would you like to win?
  194. What makes you feel safe?
  195. What makes you laugh?
  196. What makes your best friend your best friend?
  197. What parts of nature do you like best?
  198. What pollutants do you think do the most damage and why?
  199. What quality do you like about yourself–creativity, personality, appearance–why?
  200. What talents do you have?
  201. What things are better than going to school? Why?
  202. What things do you think are beautiful?
  203. What three words would describe you right now?
  204. What TV or movie star would you like to invite to your birthday party?
  205. What would happen if animals could talk? What are some of the questions you would like to ask animals?
  206. What would happen if children ruled the world?
  207. What would happen if everyone lived in space? What type of houses would they live in? What type of clothing would they wear? What type of food would they eat? How would they travel?
  208. What would happen if everyone wore the same clothes?
  209. What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?
  210. What would happen if people never co-operated? Why do you think it is important to co-operate?
  211. What would happen if there were no cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes? How would this change your life?
  212. What would happen if there were no television? Why would this be good? bad?
  213. What would happen if you could become invisible whenever you wanted to? What are some of the things you could do that you cannot do now?
  214. What would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted? When would you use this ability?
  215. What would happen if you found gold in your backyard?
  216. What would happen if you grew taller than trees? How would this change your life?
  217. What would happen if you loved your neighbour as yourself? What if everyone did?
  218. What would happen if you threw a piece of trash on the ground? What if everyone did?
  219. What would you do if a bully bothered you on your way home?
  220. What would you do if a friend borrows things from you but never returns them?
  221. What would you do if a friend comes to your house and his/her mom doesn’t know he’s/she’s there?
  222. What would you do if an hour before the party you remember you don’t have a gift?
  223. What would you do if only one hot dog is left and neither you nor your friend have had one?
  224. What would you do if someone accused you of a crime you didn’t commit?
  225. What would you do if someone got in front of you when you were in line at the movies?
  226. What would you do if someone said you did something wrong and you didn’t?
  227. What would you do if someone told you a joke that you don’t think is funny?
  228. What would you do if the surprise party was for you but you weren’t surprised?
  229. What would you do if two of your best friends went to the movies without inviting you?
  230. What would you do if you did very poorly of a test?
  231. What would you do if you didn’t have enough money to pay your bills?
  232. What would you do if you dropped the cookie jar and it broke?
  233. What would you do if you found a magic wand?
  234. What would you do if you found in the street?
  235. What would you do if you got a present you didn’t like?
  236. What would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city?
  237. What would you do if you had four math problems marked wrong that were right?
  238. What would you do if you left something in a locked building?
  239. What would you do if you ordered an ice cream cone and you forgot to bring money?
  240. What would you do if you promised to feed your pet and you didn’t?
  241. What would you do if you saw a friend cheating–report it, confront the friend, nothing–and why?
  242. What would you do if you saw little bugs in your salad?
  243. What would you do if you wanted to be friends with someone who spoke no English?
  244. What would you do if you were at home and your homework was at school?
  245. What would you do if you were in the middle of the lake and your boat began to leak?
  246. What would you do if you were invited to two parties on the same day?
  247. What would you do if you were late for an important appointment?
  248. What would you do if You were the teacher and everyone forgot his homework?
  249. What would you do if you woke up in another country and no one could understand you?
  250. What would you do if your best friend stole something from you?
  251. What would you do if your car got a flat tire on the freeway?
  252. What would you do if your children were caught shoplifting?
  253. What would you do if Your friend had a broken leg? How would you cheer him up?
  254. What would you do if your jelly sandwich fell upside down on the floor?
  255. What would you do if your new shoes felt fine in the store but now they are hurting?
  256. What would you do to entertain your family without spending any money?
  257. What would you invent to make life better?
  258. What would you say if someone told you it was all right to steal from a large department store?
  259. When a friend was in an embarrassing situation, what did you do?
  260. When are you happiest?
  261. When do you feel proud?
  262. When have you felt lonely?
  263. When it might hurt their feelings, how do you feel about telling your friends the truth?
  264. When might it be bad to be honest?
  265. When someone picks on someone else, how do you feel? What do you do?
  266. When was the last time you cried and why?
  267. When you are angry, how do you look?
  268. When you have a problem who do you talk to? Why?
  269. Where do you think we should go on our class fieldtrip this year? Why?
  270. Where would you prefer to be right now–mountains, desert, beach–and why?
  271. Who or what has had a strong influence in your life?
  272. Why do you think adults smoke/drink?
  273. Why do you think prejudice exists in the world?
  274. Why do you think some people encourage others to smoke/drink?
  275. Why do you think some people take advantage of others?
  276. Why do you think tact is an important quality?
  277. Why do you think the rules you must follow are good or bad?
  278. Why have men and women usually only done certain types of work?
  279. Why is exercise important to someone your age?
  280. Why is important to have good manners?
  281. Why is it important to be honest?
  282. Why is it not wise to squander your money?
  283. Why should or shouldn’t a man stay home to care for the house and children while his wife goes to work?
  284. Why would a Prime Minister have a sign on his desk which read, “The buck stops here”?
  285. Why would it be good to be honest?
  286. Why would we say that someone is “passing the buck”?
  287. Would you like to be famous? Why or why not? What would you like to be famous for?
  288. Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but not poor alternatives to a natural environment.  Discuss some of the arguments for and/or against keeping animals in zoos.
  289. Imaginethat your teacher wants to teach a new subject for the next few weeks.  Your teacher will take suggestions, and then let the students vote on the new subject. What subject should your class choose? Write an essay to support your choice and to persuade the other students to vote for your choice.
  290. Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?
  291.  Should teachers have to wear uniforms or have a dress code?
  292. Since the invention of nuclear weapons we have had a long period of GLOBAL peace and stability.  Are nuclear weapons global peacemakers or killing devices?
  293. Should boys and girls be in separate classes?
  294. Is the death penalty effective?
  295. To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable?
  296. What age is appropriate for dating?
  297. Pretend you woke up one day and there were no rules. People could suddenly do whatever they wanted! Explain what the world would be like. Use your    imagination!
  298. Should student’s textbooks be replaced by notebook computers?
  299. Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools?
  300. Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations?


  1. Many people believe that television violence has a negative effect on society because it promotes violence. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
  2. According to some people, elderly drivers should be required to reapply for their driving licenses because with age comes diminished vision, hearing, and reaction time. How do you feel about this issue? Explain what you think should be done and why.
  3. Medical researchers, cosmetic companies, and others often perform experiments on animals. Many people feel that experimentation on animals is wrong and should be stopped immediately because animals do feel pain, and there are other alternatives. How do you feel? State your position and explain your reasons.
  4. In order to save money, your principal is thinking about canceling all field trips for the remainder of the year. Write an essay persuading him or her to allow students to continue attending field trips. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
  5. Some people are actively involved in promoting and supporting a cause, such as the release of international political prisoners or protecting the environment. Is there a cause you actively support? Write an essay convincing readers to support that cause.
  6. Since the cloning of the sheep Dolly, there has been much debate over whether or not human beings should be cloned. Many people feel this is a violation of the natural order of things and that all research in the area of human cloning should be banned. Others feel that this is a natural progression of science and human evolution and that research in the area of human cloning should be a priority. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  7. Many parents give children a weekly or monthly allowance regardless of their behavior because they believe an allowance teaches children to be financially responsible. Other parents only give children an allowance as a reward for completing chores or when they have behaved properly. Explain what you think parents should do and why.
  8. Many people volunteer their time to help others, either through non-profit organizations, churches, or other charitable venues. Write an essay convincing readers to find a charity and volunteer their time.
  9. All-girl schools have been gaining popularity in recent years because of the belief that girls learn better when they aren’t competing with or intimidated by boys, who statistically get more attention in the classroom. Do you think single-sex schools are a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  10. We all have favorite activities that we enjoy. Write an essay convincing readers to try the activity that you enjoy most.
  11. Research shows that the average American watches as much as six hours of television each day. Do you think this is too much? Write an essay convincing readers to spend less time in front of the TV.
  12. Many junior high and high schools around the country now require students to spend a certain number of hours each term doing volunteer work or community service. Some people believe this is an excellent idea that promotes good citizenship and cultivates compassion. Others feel that forced volunteerism is not volunteerism at all. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  13. Most states allow people to get a driver’s license at the age of 16. Some people feel that 16 is much too young for the responsibility that comes with driving a car and that teenagers should not be allowed to drive until the age of 18. In your opinion, at what age should people be allowed to drive, and why?
  14. As part of the “war on drugs” and in reaction to an increase in school violence, many schools across the nation now conduct targeted searches of student lockers and backpacks. Although the Supreme Court has ruled that public school officials have the right to search students’ persons and property when they have reasonable cause to suspect weapons or drugs, many people feel this is a gross violation of students’ right to privacy. Others feel that since school officials are responsible for the well-being of students while they are in the building, they have the right to search for drugs or weapons at any time. How do you feel about this issue? State your position and explain your reasons with specific examples.
  15. Write an essay convincing readers to break a specific habit that is harmful to their physical, emotional, or financial health.
  16. In many countries, citizens are required to serve in the military for a year or more. Do you believe the United States should institute a similar practice? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  17. Have you ever traveled to a place that you found very meaningful and rewarding? Write an essay that persuades others to visit this important place.
  18. Many of us spend hours in front of our computers and communicate more by e-mail or instant-messaging than in person. Some people believe that this is good because it helps shy people communicate more openly with others. Others believe that computer communication prevents us from developing interpersonal skills and limits our ability to have meaningful relationships with others. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  19. Some companies offer a paternity leave that allows fathers to stay home with their newborns for several weeks while still earning partial pay and benefits. Do you think this is a good policy? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
  20. According to some health organizations, many foods on our grocery store shelves are made with genetically modified ingredients. Most of these foods, however, do not have a GMO (genetically modified organism) label. Do you think there should be a law requiring manufacturers to label foods containing GMOs? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  21. More and more farmers and food manufacturers are genetically modifying their crops to reduce susceptibility to disease, improve flavor, and reduce costs. Do you think genetically modifying foods is a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  22. A few decades ago, many families had half a dozen or more children. Nowadays, more and more families are choosing to have only one or two children. Are smaller families better than larger ones? Why or why not? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
  23. Representatives of credit card companies can often be found on college campuses offering special incentives to get students to fill out credit card applications. Many people feel that this takes advantage of students, who are often low on cash during their college years. Others feel that it is an excellent way to help students begin to build credit and learn financial responsibility. How do you feel about this issue? Take a position and use specific reasons and examples to support your argument.
  24. Good habits improve our physical, emotional, and/or financial health. Select one of your good habits and write an essay persuading readers to make that habit a part of their lives.
  25. What is your all-time favorite movie and why? Write an essay persuading readers to watch this film.
  26. Today, there are more and more reality shows on television. Do these shows make good television? Why or why not? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
  27. Is “an eye for an eye” a good basis for determining an appropriate punishment? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
  28. Many cities suffer from serious air and noise pollution—as well as endless traffic jams—because of too many cars. Some people feel that cities with extensive public transportation systems should ban passenger cars and force people to walk, bike, or use public transportation. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?
  29. On today’s talk shows, guests and audience members often argue heatedly with each other, and on more than one occasion, guests and audience members have been hurt. Do today’s talk shows go too far? Explain your answer.
  30. Have you ever made a change that improved your life or the lives of others? Write an essay that convinces readers to make a change for the better.
  31. The singer and songwriter Bob Dylan once wrote, “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” Do you agree with this definition of success? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  32. Carpooling, recycling, and planting trees are all activities that are good for the environment. Write an essay convincing readers to actively participate in one of these activities.
  33. The Internet includes many websites with images and content that are inappropriate. Should websites like these be censored by parents? Why or why not? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
  34. Some people prefer to live in the quiet of the country; others prefer the hustle and bustle of the city. Which do you think is the better choice? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
  35. Is there a book that you feel should be required reading for everyone? Write an essay persuading your audience to read this book.
  36. Some people go right on to college after high school; others take a year or more off to work or travel. Which do you think is the better choice? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
  37. Some people think of the United States as a nation of “couch potatoes.” Write an essay persuading readers to be more physically active.
  38. You have been asked to write a brochure to attract visitors to your hometown. Write an essay that convinces people to visit the place where you live.
  39. Many states have increased the speed limit from 55 miles per hour to 65 miles per hour or more on major turnpikes and thruways. Do you think it is wise to allow motorists to drive over 65 miles per hour? Why or why not? Explain your position using specific reasons and examples.
  40. Nowadays, the private life of a politician is hardly private. In your opinion, should we be so concerned with the private affairs of a politician or political candidate? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
  41. Today’s top professional athletes often have salaries and bonuses in the tens of millions of dollars. Do you think these athletes deserve such high compensation? Why or why not? Explain your position and use specific reasons and examples.
  42. Many parents do not allow their children to play with toy guns. In your opinion, is this a wise decision? Explain what you think parents should do about toy guns and why.
  43. For centuries, people have wondered about the possibility of life on other planets in the universe. Do you believe extraterrestrial life exists? Write an essay persuading others to share your point of view.
  44. Many science fiction stories deal with the possibility of being able to “design” our children by choosing the specific physical and personality traits we would like them to have. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  45. If someone discovered a formula that would enable us to live forever, would that be a blessing or a curse? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  46. Some educators argue that every child in every school should have access to computers. Others believe that the value of computers in the classroom is overrated and that computers may actually interfere with the learning process. In your opinion, how important are computers in the classroom? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  47. Should the United States invest more time, money, and effort in space exploration? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
  48. Some people believe that students aren’t learning enough in high school. Should school standards be higher? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
  49. It has often been said, “Ignorance is bliss,” and “What you don’t know won’t hurt you.” Do you agree with these statements? Why or why not?
  50. Although foreign aid spending is typically only a very small portion of our annual budget (currently about .1% of the Gross National Product), the United States still spends billions of dollars a year on foreign aid. Some people feel this is too much and that we should spend nearly all of our money addressing problems here at home. Others feel it is not nearly enough and that we should spend a great deal more helping other nations. How do you feel about this issue? Explain what you think we should do and why.
  51. Some people fish to eat what they catch; others fish simply for the “sport,” returning the fish to the water after they’ve caught it. Many animal rights activists argue that sport fishing is cruel and should be abolished. How do you feel about this issue? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
  52. Many schools employ security guards and have installed security equipment such as video cameras and metal detectors in the building. In your opinion, how should security in public schools be handled? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  53. Across the country, public places such as libraries and museums are now smoke-free environments, and restaurants are required to have separate smoking and non-smoking sections. Some smoke- free advocates are now campaigning to ban smoking in all restaurants and bars. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  54. In a small minority of schools across the nation, students do not earn grades; rather, they receive regular written and oral evaluations of their work. Some people believe that this is more effective for learning than the grading system, which they believe rewards students unevenly and encourages a competitiveness that is counterproductive to learning. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  55. Is reading fiction a waste of time? Why or why not? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  56. Many schools offer students who are native speakers of another language the opportunity to take classes in their native tongue so that they can more easily assimilate and better understand the material. Some educators believe that this is a disservice and that these students should be immersed in the English language. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  57. Many people immigrate to the United States because they believe that it is better than their native country. In fact, many people believe that the United States is the best country in the world. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  58. Some people think that school cafeterias should be required to provide low-fat and/or vegetarian lunch options to accommodate the eating habits of all students. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your position and use specific reasons and examples as support.
  59. Elementary and secondary schools around the country are beginning to actively address the problem of bullies. In your opinion, is bullying an issue that should be addressed by schools or left to parents? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  60. Most private schools require students to wear uniforms. Should public school students wear uniforms too? Argue for or against school uniforms for public school students. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  61. Do you think that the movie and/or TV ratings systems are effective or useful? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  62. Many people believe that honesty is the best policy. In your opinion, is it ever okay to lie? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
  63. In order to solve your school’s recent litter problem, your principal asked students to take better care of the campus, but the litter problem continued. Your principal’s reaction is to cancel all extracurricular activities until the problem is resolved. Do you agree or disagree with his reaction? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  64. If an alumnus donated a large sum of money to your school, how do you think that money should be spent? Write an essay convincing school officials to allocate the money in the way you think is best for the school.
  65. Many people feel that American society is too competitive. Do you agree? If so, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  1. If it were up to you to choose one item from the twenty-first century to place in a time capsule for future generations, what would you choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice, explaining both the item’s significance and the reasons why it embodies the culture of the early twenty-first century.
  2. Who makes a better leader: someone who is loved, or someone who is feared? Take a position and explain your answer.
  3. Some people are concerned that many teachers are not sufficiently qualified for the classroom and argue that they should be required to pass competency tests before they are allowed to teach. Do you agree? Why or why not? Explain your answer with specific reasons and examples.
  4. If it were up to you to choose one professional (a doctor, a reporter, a scientist, a politician, an actor) to travel aboard the next space station, who would you choose and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
  5. In our increasingly global society, many people feel that all students should be required to learn a foreign language before graduating from high school. Do you agree? Why or why not? Explain your position using specific reasons and examples.
  6. Today, more and more colleges and universities are offering not only individual courses but entire degree programs online. Some educators worry that online programs do not provide the same quality as an on-campus education and that in an online program, students can get others to do their work. Others believe online courses offer convenience and flexibility enabling students, who might otherwise not be able, to earn a degree and complete their educations. In your opinion, should colleges and universities offer degrees entirely online? Why or why not?
  7. Is a good education a right or a privilege? Why do you think so? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  8. The network that runs your favorite television show has suddenly decided to cancel it. Write a letter convincing the station to continue running the show.
  9. What would improve your hometown? Write an essay convincing town officials to make a change that would improve your neighborhood.
  10. Many people complain that American news shows focus too much on sensational items, such as local crimes and celebrity gossip, and spend too little time on important national and international news. In your opinion, should television news devote more time and coverage to international news and global issues? Why or why not?
  11. Most students enjoy the long stretch of summer vacation, but some parents and educators feel that two and a half months is too long a break from school. Some argue that students and families would be better served if the school year were extended through July, with a three or four-week break in August, a longer winter break, and a week off each in the spring and fall. Does this sound like a good idea to you? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
  12. Many people feel that the use of surveillance cameras in public places, such as parking lots, is a good idea that can help ensure our safety. Others worry that too many cameras violate our right to privacy and give law enforcement officials too much power. In your opinion, should we install more surveillance cameras in public places? Why or why not? Support your position with specific reasons and examples.
  13. It has often been said, “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  14. Recent studies have shown that students often perform better on exams if classical music is played softly in the background. However, some students may find the music distracting. Should schools play classical music during exams and/or allow students to listen to it on headphones? Take a position and explain your answer.
  15. All across the country, state laws require drivers to wear seatbelts. Not everyone believes the use of seatbelts should be mandatory. What do you think? Make a case for or against mandatory seatbelt use. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  16. Most schools require students to read “old” texts such as ancient Greek tragedies or Shakespearian plays. Many students wonder why they should read these texts instead of more contemporary material. Make a case for or against the reading of classical literature in English classes.
  17. Should a parent be a child’s disciplinarian, or a child’s best friend? Take a position and explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
  18. More and more Americans are deciding to eliminate meat from their diets and become vegetarians. Do you think this is a good idea? Argue for or against becoming a vegetarian. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  19. With the current popularity of sport utility vehicles many people believe that it’s more important than ever for Congress to pass legislation requiring automobile manufacturers to use more fuel- efficient engines. Do you agree that such a law should be passed? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your argument.
  20. Every year, millions of people visit zoos around the world. But some people believe that zoos are inhumane and that animals should not be kept in captivity. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  21. Politicians come from all sorts of professional backgrounds, from lawyers and chief executive officers to actors and even professional wrestlers. On a few notable occasions, politicians with criminal backgrounds have even been elected. In your opinion, should candidates with a criminal record be allowed to run for office? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  22. Students who don’t want to do their homework can find dozens of sites on the Internet that offer essays for sale. Do you think this is a legitimate business, or should these enterprises be shut down? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  23. Do you think the SAT or ACT exam is an accurate measure of a student’s aptitude for college? Support your position with specific examples.
  24. It has often been said that we can lie with silence as well as with words. Do you agree? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
  25. Many students complain about having to learn history. Why do we need knowledge of the past? Write an essay convincing skeptics that learning about the past is important.
  26. Woodrow Wilson once said, “Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together.” Do you agree? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  27. Charles Simmons said, “Live only for today, and you ruin tomorrow.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
  28. Thomas Edison, the renowned inventor, is famous for having said, “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Do you agree with this definition of genius? Why or why not?
  29. Many of us are fond of music that speaks to our particular generation. Write an essay that convinces others not in your generation that your music is worth listening to.
  30. Alexander Smith said, “The great man is the man who does a thing for the first time.” Do you agree with this definition of greatness? Why or why not?
  31. The eighteenth century writer Samuel Johnson wrote, “Ignorance, when voluntary, is criminal.” Do you agree? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  32. For decades, elementary school children across the country had been required to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag every school-day morning. That practice has recently been called into question, and standing and reciting the pledge is now voluntary. In your opinion, should students be required to say the pledge, should it remain voluntary, or should the practice be completely abandoned? State your position and use specific reasons and examples to support it.
  33. Currently, Americans pay taxes based upon how much they earn: the higher their income, the higher the percentage of that income they must pay in taxes. Many people have been arguing that a flat tax, in which everyone pays the same rate regardless of income, would be a more equitable and desirable tax system. Which of these two tax systems do you think is best, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  34. The great inventor Charles F. Kettering said, “The price of progress is trouble.” Do you agree with Kettering’s assessment of progress? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  35. The writer Thomas Mann said, “War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.” Do you agree with this claim? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  36. Activist Jeannette Rankin once said, “You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  37. Write an essay explaining why you should be admitted to a particular college.
  38. The Roman leader Seneca said, “A great fortune is a great slavery.” Do you agree with this claim? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  39. If your readers were to learn a foreign language, which language do you think they should learn, and why? Write an essay convincing readers to learn that particular language.
  40. Many albums and CDs now contain stickers warning parents that the lyrics of some of the songs may not be suitable for children. Some people argue that simply putting a sticker on a label is not enough. What do you think the record industry should do to warn parents about inappropriate lyrics? Explain what you think should be done and why.
  41. Should we devote time and money to building a space station on the moon or Mars? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
  42. Should people lease or buy new cars? Make a case for the option that you think is best. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  43. The inventor and statesman Benjamin Franklin said, “Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  44. Some states have now made it illegal to drive while talking on a hand-held cellular phone. Do you think this is a good law that should be passed in other states as well? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
  45. The poet W. H. Auden wrote, “Machines are beneficial to the degree that they eliminate the need for labor, harmful to the degree that they eliminate the need for skill.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  46. Are students learning enough science in high school? Argue for or against an expanded science requirement in secondary schools.
  47. According to an old Greek proverb, “All things good to know are difficult to learn.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  48. William Hazlitt wrote, “Man is a make-believe animal—he is never so truly himself as when he is acting a part.” Do you agree? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
  49. Imagine that you have a relative who is unfamiliar with computers and has never been on the Internet. Write an essay convincing this relative to get a computer and get online.
  50. Imagine that you have found a great apartment to share, but your new roommate doesn’t want any pets. Write an essay persuading your roommate to let you bring your pet with you.
  51. According to a Czechoslovakian proverb, “Better a lie that soothes than a truth that hurts.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  52. Imagine that your high school (or alma mater) has decided to do away with a club to which you belong (or used to belong). Write an essay persuading school officials not to disband that organization.
  53. “Original” fairy tales, like those recorded by the Brothers Grimm, often contain violence. Some literary critics and child psychologists believe these tales are good for children because they address children’s real fears, feelings, and desires. Others argue that contemporary “sanitized” fairy tales still convey the main themes of the tales and are far more appropriate for children. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
  54. Imagine that you have made it to the final round of interviews for a new job. Convince your prospective employers that you are the one who most deserves the position.
  55. Most high school schedules include a study hall period several times a week. Is study hall a waste of time, or a necessary break from class? State your position and use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  56. Imagine that you have a friend who doesn’t have any money in his or her savings account. Convince this friend that it’s important to create and follow through with a savings plan.
  57. During the Christmas holiday season, images of Santa Claus are everywhere, and young children often line up to take pictures with adults dressed as Santa. Some people feel that children should not be led to believe that Santa Claus is real. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  58. Is there something that you believe is truly worth fighting for? Write an essay persuading others that this cause is worth a fight.
  59. Write an essay convincing your best friend to try your favorite brand of junk food. Imagine that you have been asked to help raise money for a local charity. Choose a charity and write an essay convincing readers to contribute to the fundraising campaign.
  60. Write an essay about the best movie that you have watched in your life!


  1. Muitas pessoas acreditam que a violência na televisão tem um efeito negativo na sociedade porque promove a violência. Você concorda ou discorda? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  2. De acordo com algumas pessoas, motoristas idosos devem ser obrigados a reaplicar para as suas cartas de condução, porque com a idade vem diminuída visão, audição, e tempo de reação. Como você se sente sobre esta questão? Explique o que você acha que deve ser feito e porquê.
  3. Os investigadores médicos, empresas de cosméticos, e outros muitas vezes realizar experimentos em animais. Muitas pessoas sentem que a experimentação em animais é errado e deve ser interrompido imediatamente, porque os animais sentem dor, e há outras alternativas. Como você está se sentindo? Afirmar a sua posição e explicar suas razões.
  4. A fim de economizar dinheiro, seu principal está pensando sobre o cancelamento de todas as viagens de campo para o restante do ano.Escrever um ensaio convencer ele ou ela para permitir que os alunos a continuar participando de viagens de campo. Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  5. Algumas pessoas estão ativamente envolvidos em promover e apoiar uma causa, como a libertação de prisioneiros políticos internacionais ou proteger o meio ambiente. Existe uma causa que você apoia activamente? Escrever um ensaio convencer os leitores para apoiar essa causa.
  6. Uma vez que a clonagem da ovelha Dolly, tem havido muito debate sobre se ou não os seres humanos devem ser clonado. Muitas pessoas consideram que esta é uma violação da ordem natural das coisas e que toda a investigação na área da clonagem humana deve ser proibida. Outros acham que esta é uma progressão natural da ciência e da evolução humana e que a investigação na área da clonagem humana deve ser uma prioridade. Como você se sente sobre esta questão? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  7. Muitos pais dão às crianças um subsídio semanal ou mensal independentemente do seu comportamento, porque eles acreditam um subsídio ensina as crianças a ser financeiramente responsável. Outros pais só dar às crianças um subsídio como uma recompensa para completar tarefas ou quando eles se comportaram corretamente. Explique o que você acha que os pais devem fazer e porquê.
  8. Muitas pessoas doam seu tempo para ajudar os outros, seja através de organizações sem fins lucrativos, igrejas ou outros locais de caridade. Escrever um ensaio convencer os leitores a encontrar uma instituição de caridade e doam seu tempo.
  9. Todo-menina escolas têm vindo a ganhar popularidade nos últimos anos por causa da crença de que as meninas aprendem melhor quando não estão competindo com ou intimidados por garotos, que estatisticamente receber mais atenção na sala de aula. Você acha que as escolas do mesmo sexo são uma boa idéia? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  10. Todos nós temos atividades favoritas que nós apreciamos. Escrever um ensaio convencer os leitores a experimentar a atividade que você goste mais.
  11. A pesquisa mostra que o americano médio assiste tanto quanto seis horas de televisão por dia. Você acha que isso é demais? Escrever um ensaio convencer os leitores a passar menos tempo na frente da TV.
  12. Muitas escolas secundárias e secundárias em todo o país agora exigem que os alunos para passar um determinado número de horas de cada prazo que fazem trabalho voluntário ou serviço comunitário. Algumas pessoas acreditam que esta é uma excelente ideia de que promove a boa cidadania e cultiva a compaixão. Outros acham que o voluntariado forçado não é o voluntariado em tudo. Como você se sente sobre esta questão? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  13. A maioria dos estados permitem que as pessoas para obter uma carteira de motorista com a idade de 16. Algumas pessoas acham que 16 é muito jovem para a responsabilidade que vem com a condução de um carro e que os adolescentes não devem ser autorizados a conduzir até a idade de 18. Em sua opinião, com que idade as pessoas devem ser autorizadas a conduzir, e por quê?
  14. Como parte da “guerra às drogas” e em reacção a um aumento da violência escolar, muitas escolas em todo o país agora realizar pesquisas específicas de armários de estudantes e mochilas. Embora a Suprema Corte decidiu que os funcionários de escolas públicas têm o direito de procurar discentes pessoas e bens, quando eles têm motivos razoáveis para suspeitar armas ou drogas, muitas pessoas consideram que esta é uma violação grosseira dos estudantes “direito à privacidade. Outros sentem que, desde os funcionários da escola são responsáveis pelo bem-estar dos estudantes enquanto eles estão no edifício, eles têm o direito de procurar drogas ou armas a qualquer momento. Como você se sente sobre esta questão? Afirmar a sua posição e explicar suas razões com exemplos específicos.
  15. Escrever um ensaio convencer os leitores a quebrar um hábito específico que é prejudicial para a sua, ou a saúde financeira emocional físico.
  16. Em muitos países, os cidadãos são obrigados a servir nas forças armadas por um ano ou mais. Você acredita que os Estados Unidos deveriam instituir uma prática semelhante? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  17. Você já viajou para um lugar que você encontrou muito significativo e gratificante? Escrever um ensaio que convence os outros a visitar este lugar importante.
  18. Muitos de nós passam horas na frente de nossos computadores e comunicar mais por e-mail ou de mensagens instantâneas do que pessoalmente. Algumas pessoas acreditam que isso é bom porque ajuda as pessoas tímidas se comunicar mais abertamente com os outros. Outros acreditam que a comunicação computador nos impede de desenvolver habilidades interpessoais e limita a nossa capacidade de ter relacionamentos significativos com os outros. Como você se sente sobre esta questão? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  19. Algumas empresas oferecem uma licença de paternidade que permite que pais ficar em casa com seus recém-nascidos durante várias semanas e ainda ganhar pagamento parcial e benefícios. Você acha que isso é uma boa política? Por que ou por que não? Explique sua resposta.
  20. De acordo com algumas organizações de saúde, muitos alimentos em nossas prateleiras de supermercado são feitos com ingredientes geneticamente modificados. A maioria destes alimentos, no entanto, não têm um OGM (organismo geneticamente modificado) rótulo.Você acha que deve haver uma lei obrigando os fabricantes a rotular alimentos que contenham OGM? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  21. Mais e mais agricultores e fabricantes de alimentos são geneticamente modificando suas colheitas para reduzir a susceptibilidade à doença, melhorar o sabor, e reduzir custos. Você acha que a modificação genética de alimentos é uma boa ideia? Por que ou por que não?Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  22. Algumas décadas atrás, muitas famílias tinham meia dúzia ou mais filhos. Hoje em dia, mais e mais famílias estão optando por ter apenas um ou dois filhos. São famílias menores melhor do que as maiores? Por que ou por que não? Afirmar a sua posição e apoiá-lo com razões específicas e exemplos.
  23. Representantes de empresas de cartão de crédito muitas vezes pode ser encontrado em universidades que oferecem incentivos especiais para obter os alunos a preencher os pedidos de cartão de crédito. Muitas pessoas sentem que isso leva vantagem de estudantes, que são muitas vezes pouco dinheiro durante seus anos de faculdade. Outros acham que é uma excelente maneira de ajudar os alunos começam a construir o crédito e aprender a responsabilidade financeira. Como você se sente sobre esta questão? Tomar uma posição e usar razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar o seu argumento.
  24. Bons hábitos melhorar a nossa, e / ou a saúde financeira emocional físico. Escolha um de seus bons hábitos e escrever um ensaio persuadir os leitores a fazer esse hábito uma parte de suas vidas.
  25. Qual é o seu ponto mais filme favorito e por quê? Escrever um ensaio persuadir os leitores a assistir a este filme.
  26. Hoje, há mais e mais reality shows na televisão. Será que estes espectáculos fazer boa televisão? Por que ou por que não? Explique sua resposta usando razões específicas e exemplos.
  27. É “olho por olho” uma boa base para determinar uma punição apropriada? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para explicar sua posição.
  28. Muitas cidades sofrem com ar grave e poluição como ruído bem como intermináveis congestionamentos-porque o tráfego de muitos carros. Algumas pessoas sentem que as cidades com sistemas de transporte público extensos devem proibir os automóveis de passageiros e forçar as pessoas a pé, de bicicleta, ou usar o transporte público. Você acha que isso é uma boa idéia? Por que ou por que não?
  29. Em talk shows de hoje, os hóspedes e membros do público muitas vezes argumentam acaloradamente com o outro, e em mais de uma ocasião, convidados e membros da audiência foram feridos. Não talk shows de hoje ir longe demais? Explique sua resposta.
  30. Você já fez uma mudança que melhorou a sua vida ou a vida dos outros? Escrever um ensaio que convence os leitores a fazer uma mudança para melhor.
  31. O cantor e compositor Bob Dylan escreveu certa vez: “Um homem é um sucesso se ele se levanta de manhã e chega a cama à noite e no meio faz o que ele quer fazer.” Você concorda com esta definição de sucesso? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  32. Carpooling, reciclagem e plantio de árvores são todas as atividades que são boas para o meio ambiente. Escrever um ensaio convencer os leitores a participar activamente em uma dessas atividades.
  33. A Internet inclui muitos sites com imagens e conteúdo que são inadequados. Caso sites como estes ser censurado pelos pais? Por que ou por que não? Afirmar a sua posição e apoiá-lo com razões específicas e exemplos.
  34. Algumas pessoas preferem viver na tranquila do país; outros preferem a agitação da cidade. Qual você acha que é a melhor escolha?Afirmar a sua posição e apoiá-lo com razões específicas e exemplos.
  35. Existe um livro que você sente deveria ser leitura obrigatória para todos? Escrever um ensaio persuadir o público a ler este livro.
  36. Algumas pessoas ir para a direita para a faculdade após o ensino médio; outros levam um ano ou mais para o trabalho ou viagens. Qual você acha que é a melhor escolha? Afirmar a sua posição e apoiá-lo com razões específicas e exemplos.
  37. Algumas pessoas pensam que os Estados Unidos como uma nação de “batatas de sofá.” Escrever um ensaio persuadir os leitores a ser mais ativo fisicamente.
  38. Você foi convidado a escrever um folheto para atrair visitantes para sua cidade natal. Escrever um ensaio que convence as pessoas a visitar o lugar onde você vive.
  39. Muitos estados têm aumentado o limite de velocidade de 55 milhas por hora para 65 milhas por hora ou mais em grandes turnpikes e thruways. Você acha que é sábio permitir que os motoristas a dirigir mais de 65 milhas por hora? Por que ou por que não? Explique sua posição usando razões específicas e exemplos.
  40. Hoje em dia, a vida privada de um político é quase privado. Na sua opinião, deveríamos ser tão preocupados com os assuntos particulares de um político ou um candidato político? Afirmar a sua posição e apoiá-lo com razões específicas e exemplos.
  41. melhores atletas profissionais de hoje muitas vezes têm salários e bônus na casa das dezenas de milhões de dólares. Você acha que esses atletas merecem essa compensação alto? Por que ou por que não? Explique sua posição e usar razões específicas e exemplos.
  42. Muitos pais não permitem que seus filhos para brincar com armas de brinquedo. Na sua opinião, esta é uma decisão sábia? Explique o que você acha que os pais devem fazer sobre armas de brinquedo e porquê.
  43. Durante séculos, as pessoas se perguntam sobre a possibilidade de vida em outros planetas no universo. Você acredita que existe vida extraterrestre? Escrever um ensaio persuadir os outros para compartilhar seu ponto de vista.
  44. Muitas histórias de ficção científica lidar com a possibilidade de ser capaz de “projetar” nossos filhos, escolhendo as características físicas e de personalidade específicas que gostaríamos que eles tenham. Você acha que isso é uma boa idéia? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  45. Se alguém descobriu uma fórmula que nos permitem viver para sempre, isso seria uma bênção ou uma maldição? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  46. Alguns educadores defendem que todas as crianças em todas as escolas devem ter acesso a computadores. Outros acreditam que o valor dos computadores na sala de aula é superestimada e que os computadores podem realmente interferir com o processo de aprendizagem. Na sua opinião, o quão importante são os computadores na sala de aula? Use razões específicas e exemplos para explicar a sua resposta.
  47. Caso os Estados Unidos investir mais tempo, dinheiro e esforço na exploração do espaço? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para explicar sua posição.
  48. Algumas pessoas acreditam que os estudantes não estão aprendendo o suficiente na escola. Deve normas escolares ser maior? Explique sua resposta usando razões específicas e exemplos.
  49. Tem sido dito muitas vezes, “A ignorância é felicidade”, e “O que você não sabe que não vai te machucar.” Você concorda com estas afirmações? Por que ou por que não?
  50. Embora a despesa de ajuda externa é normalmente apenas uma pequena parte do nosso orçamento anual (atualmente cerca de 0,1% do Produto Interno Bruto), os Estados Unidos ainda gasta bilhões de dólares por ano em ajuda externa. Algumas pessoas sentem isso é demais e que nós deveríamos gastar quase todos os nossos problemas de dinheiro abordar aqui em casa. Outros acham que não é suficiente e que nós deveríamos gastar muito mais ajudar outras nações. Como você se sente sobre esta questão? Explique o que você acha que devemos fazer e por quê.
  51. Algumas pessoas pescar para comer o que pescam; outros peixes simplesmente para o “esporte”, devolvendo o peixe à água depois que pegou. Muitos ativistas dos direitos dos animais argumentam que a pesca esportiva é cruel e deve ser abolido. Como você se sente sobre esta questão? Afirmar a sua posição e apoiá-lo com razões específicas e exemplos.
  52. Muitas escolas empregar guardas de segurança e instalou equipamentos de segurança como câmeras de vídeo e detectores de metal no edifício. Na sua opinião, como deve ser a segurança nas escolas públicas ser tratado? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  53. Em todo o país, locais públicos, como bibliotecas e museus estão agora ambientes livres de fumo, e restaurantes são obrigados a ter não-fumantes seções fumadores e. Alguns defensores livres de fumaça estão agora fazendo campanha para proibir o fumo em todos os restaurantes e bares. Você acha que isso é uma boa idéia? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  54. Em uma pequena minoria de escolas em todo o país, os alunos não ganham graus; em vez disso, eles recebem avaliações regulares escritas e orais de seu trabalho. Algumas pessoas acreditam que este é mais eficaz para a aprendizagem do que o sistema de classificação, que eles acreditam que premia os alunos de forma desigual e estimula uma competitividade que é contraproducente para a aprendizagem. Como você se sente sobre esta questão? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  55. fiction leitura é um desperdício de tempo? Por que ou por que não? Explique sua resposta usando razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  56. Muitas escolas oferecem aos alunos que são falantes nativos de outra língua a oportunidade de ter aulas em sua língua nativa, para que possam mais facilmente assimilar e compreender melhor o material. Alguns educadores acreditam que este é um desserviço e que esses alunos deve ser imerso no idioma Inglês. Como você se sente sobre esta questão? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  57. Muitas pessoas imigrar para os Estados Unidos, porque eles acreditam que é melhor do que o seu país natal. Na verdade, muitas pessoas acreditam que os Estados Unidos são o melhor país do mundo. Você concorda? Por que ou por que não?
  58. Algumas pessoas pensam que cantinas escolares deve ser obrigado a fornecer baixo teor de gordura e / ou opções de almoço vegetariano para acomodar os hábitos alimentares de todos os alunos. Você concorda ou discorda? Explique sua posição e usar razões e exemplos específicos como apoio.
  59. escolas primárias e secundárias em todo o país estão começando a abordar ativamente o problema de valentões. Na sua opinião, é o assédio moral uma questão que deve ser abordada por escolas ou para a esquerda para os pais? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  60. A maioria das escolas privadas exigem que os alunos usam uniformes. Deve alunos de escolas públicas usam uniformes também?Argumentar a favor ou contra uniformes escolares para alunos da rede pública. Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  61. Você acha que os sistemas de cinema e / ou TV classificações são eficazes ou úteis? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  62. Muitas pessoas acreditam que a honestidade é a melhor política. Na sua opinião, é sempre bom para mentir? Explique sua resposta usando razões específicas e exemplos.
  63. A fim de resolver recente problema do lixo da sua escola, seu principal pediu aos alunos a cuidar melhor do campus, mas o problema do lixo continuou. A reação de seu principal é cancelar todas as atividades extracurriculares até que o problema seja resolvido. Você concorda ou discorda com a reação dele? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  64. Se um aluno doou uma grande soma de dinheiro para a sua escola, como você acha que o dinheiro deve ser gasto? Escrever um ensaio funcionários da escola convincentes para alocar o dinheiro da maneira que você acha que é melhor para a escola.
  65. Muitas pessoas sentem que a sociedade americana é muito competitivo. Você concorda? Se assim for, isso é uma coisa boa ou uma coisa ruim? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  1. Se fosse até você para escolher um item do século XXI para colocar em uma cápsula do tempo para as gerações futuras, o que você escolheria? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua escolha, explicando tanto o significado do item e as razões pelas quais ela encarna a cultura do início do século XXI.
  2. Quem faz um líder melhor: alguém que é amado, ou alguém que é temido? Tomar uma posição e explicar a sua resposta.
  3. Algumas pessoas estão preocupados que muitos professores não são suficientemente qualificado para a sala de aula e argumentam que eles deveriam ser obrigados a passar por testes de competência antes de serem autorizados a ensinar. Você concorda? Por que ou por que não? Explique sua resposta com razões específicas e exemplos.
  4. Se fosse até você para escolher um profissional (médico, um repórter, um cientista, um político, um ator) para viajar a bordo da próxima estação espacial, quem você escolheria e por quê? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua escolha.
  5. Na nossa sociedade cada vez mais global, muitas pessoas sentem que todos os alunos devem ser obrigados a aprender uma língua estrangeira, antes de terminar o colegial. Você concorda? Por que ou por que não? Explique sua posição usando razões específicas e exemplos.
  6. Hoje, mais e mais faculdades e universidades estão oferecendo não apenas cursos individuais, mas os programas de grau inteiros online.Alguns educadores temem que programas on-line não oferecem a mesma qualidade que uma educação on-campus e que em um programa on-line, os alunos podem levar os outros a fazer o seu trabalho. Outros acreditam que os cursos online oferecem flexibilidade permitindo que estudantes, que de outra forma não poderia ser capaz, para ganhar um grau e completar sua educação conveniência e.Na sua opinião, deve faculdades e universidades oferecem graus totalmente on-line? Por que ou por que não?
  7. É uma boa educação um direito ou um privilégio? Porque você acha isso? Use razões específicas e exemplos para explicar a sua resposta.
  8. A rede que executa o seu programa de televisão favorito, de repente, decidiu cancelá-lo. Escrever uma carta convencer a estação para continuar executando o show.
  9. O que iria melhorar a sua cidade natal? Escrever um ensaio convencer as autoridades da cidade para fazer uma mudança que iria melhorar seu bairro.
  10. Muitas pessoas se queixam de que programas de notícias americanos se concentrar demais em itens sensacionais, como crimes locais e fofocas de celebridades, e passar muito pouco tempo em importantes notícias nacionais e internacionais. Na sua opinião, deve notícias de televisão dedicar mais tempo e cobertura de notícias internacionais e aos problemas globais? Por que ou por que não?
  11. A maioria dos estudantes desfrutar da longa extensão de férias de verão, mas alguns pais e educadores sentem que dois meses e meio é muito tempo de uma pausa de escola. Alguns argumentam que os alunos e as famílias seriam melhor servidos se o ano lectivo foram estendidas até julho, com três ou quatro semanas pausa em agosto, um intervalo mais longo inverno, e uma semana de folga cada um na primavera e no outono. Isso soa como uma boa idéia para você? Por que ou por que não? Explique sua resposta.
  12. Muitas pessoas sentem que o uso de câmeras de vigilância em locais públicos, tais como parques de estacionamento, é uma boa idéia que pode ajudar a garantir a nossa segurança. Outros temem que muitas câmeras violam nosso direito à privacidade e dar aos funcionários responsáveis pela aplicação da lei demasiado poder. Na sua opinião, devemos instalar mais câmeras de vigilância em locais públicos? Por que ou por que não? Apoiar sua posição com razões específicas e exemplos.
  13. Tem sido dito muitas vezes, “um pouco de conhecimento é uma coisa perigosa.” Você concorda? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para explicar a sua resposta.
  14. Estudos recentes têm mostrado que os estudantes geralmente têm melhor desempenho nos exames se a música clássica é tocada suavemente no fundo. No entanto, alguns alunos podem encontrar o perturbador música. As escolas devem tocar música clássica durante os exames e / ou permitir que os estudantes para ouvi-la em fones de ouvido? Tomar uma posição e explicar a sua resposta.
  15. Em todo o país, as leis estaduais exigem que os motoristas usar cinto de segurança. Nem todo mundo acredita que o uso de cintos de segurança deve ser obrigatória. O que você acha? Fazer um caso a favor ou contra o uso de cinto de segurança obrigatório. Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  16. A maioria das escolas exigem que os alunos a ler “velhos” textos como tragédias gregas antigas ou peças de Shakespeare. Muitos alunos perguntam por que eles devem ler estes textos, em vez de material mais contemporâneo. Fazer um caso a favor ou contra a leitura de literatura clássica em aulas de inglês.
  17. Os pais devem ser disciplinador de uma criança, ou o melhor amigo de uma criança? Tomar uma posição e explicar a sua resposta usando razões específicas e exemplos.
  18. Mais e mais americanos estão decidindo para eliminar a carne de suas dietas e se tornar vegetarianos. Você acha que isso é uma boa idéia? Argumentar a favor ou contra se tornar um vegetariano. Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  19. Com a popularidade atual de veículos utilitários desportivos muitas pessoas acreditam que é mais importante do que nunca para o Congresso a aprovar legislação que obriga os fabricantes de automóveis a utilizar motores mais eficientes em termos de combustível.Você concorda que tal lei deve ser aprovada? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar o seu argumento.
  20. Todos os anos, milhões de pessoas visitam jardins zoológicos em todo o mundo. Mas algumas pessoas acreditam que os jardins zoológicos são animais desumanas e que não devem ser mantidos em cativeiro. Você concorda? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  21. Os políticos vêm de todos os tipos de experiências profissionais, de advogados e diretores executivos para atores e até lutadores profissionais. Em algumas ocasiões notáveis, políticos com antecedentes criminais até ter sido eleito. Na sua opinião, devem os candidatos com um registo criminal ser autorizados a correr para o escritório? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  22. Os alunos que não querem fazer sua lição de casa pode encontrar dezenas de sites na Internet que oferecem ensaios para venda. Você acha que este é um negócio legítimo, ou deveria essas empresas ser desligado? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  23. Você acha que o exame SAT ou ACT é uma medida precisa da aptidão do aluno para a faculdade? Apoiar a sua posição com exemplos específicos.
  24. Tem sido dito muitas vezes que podemos estar com o silêncio, bem como com as palavras. Você concorda? Por que ou por que não?Explique sua resposta.
  25. Muitos estudantes se queixam de ter de aprender história. Por que precisamos de conhecimento do passado? Escrever um ensaio convencer os céticos de que a aprendizagem sobre o passado é importante.
  26. Woodrow Wilson disse uma vez: “A amizade é o único cimento que manterá o mundo juntos.” Você concorda? Use razões específicas e exemplos para explicar a sua resposta.
  27. Charles Simmons disse, “Viva apenas para hoje, e você arruinar amanhã.” Você concorda? Por que ou por que não? Explique sua resposta.
  28. Thomas Edison, o famoso inventor, é famoso por ter dito, “O gênio é um por cento inspiração e noventa e nove por cento transpiração.” Você concorda com esta definição de gênio? Por que ou por que não?
  29. Muitos de nós gostam de música que fala à nossa geração particular. Escrever um ensaio que convence os outros não em sua geração que sua música vale a pena ouvir.
  30. Alexander Smith disse: “O grande homem é o homem que faz uma coisa pela primeira vez.” Você concorda com esta definição de grandeza? Por que ou por que não?
  31. O escritor do século XVIII Samuel Johnson escreveu: “A ignorância, quando voluntária, é criminoso.” Você concorda? Use razões específicas e exemplos para explicar a sua resposta.
  32. Durante décadas, as crianças do ensino fundamental em todo o país foram obrigados a ficar de pé e dizer a garantia da fidelidade à bandeira americana do dia a dia escolar manhã. Essa prática foi recentemente posta em causa, e de pé e recitando a promessa agora é voluntária. Na sua opinião, os estudantes devem ser obrigados a dizer a garantia, ele deve permanecer voluntária, ou se a prática, ser completamente abandonado? Afirmar a sua posição e usar razões específicas e exemplos para apoiá-lo.
  33. Atualmente, os americanos pagam impostos com base em quanto eles ganham: quanto maior a renda, maior a percentagem desse rendimento que eles têm de pagar em impostos. Muitas pessoas têm argumentado que um imposto fixo, em que todos pagam a mesma taxa independentemente de renda, seria um sistema fiscal mais justo e desejável. Qual destes dois sistemas fiscais que você acha que é o melhor, e por quê? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  34. O grande inventor Charles F. Kettering disse: “O preço do progresso é o problema.” Você concorda com a avaliação de Kettering do progresso? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  35. O escritor Thomas Mann disse: “A guerra é apenas uma fuga covarde dos problemas da paz.” Você concorda com essa afirmação? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  36. Ativista Jeannette Rankin disse uma vez: “Você não pode mais ganhar uma guerra do que você pode ganhar um terremoto.” Você concorda com esta afirmação? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  37. Escrever um ensaio explicando por que você deveria ser admitido para uma faculdade particular.
  38. O líder romano Sêneca disse: “Uma grande fortuna é uma grande escravidão.” Você concorda com essa afirmação? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua resposta.
  39. Se os seus leitores estavam a aprender uma língua estrangeira, que língua você acha que eles devem aprender, e por quê? Escrever um ensaio convencer os leitores a aprender essa língua particular.
  40. Muitos álbuns e CDs contêm agora adesivos pais aviso de que as letras de algumas das canções pode não ser adequado para crianças.Algumas pessoas argumentam que simplesmente colocar um adesivo em um rótulo não é suficiente. O que você acha indústria fonográfica deve fazer para alertar os pais sobre letras impróprias? Explique o que você acha que deve ser feito e porquê.
  41. Devemos dedicar tempo e dinheiro para a construção de uma estação espacial na Lua ou em Marte? Por que ou por que não? Explique sua resposta.
  42. As pessoas deveriam alugar ou comprar carros novos? Fazer um caso para a opção que você acha que é melhor. Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  43. O inventor e estadista Benjamin Franklin disse: “O dinheiro nunca fez um homem feliz ainda, nem vai. Não há nada em sua natureza para produzir felicidade. “Você concorda com esta afirmação? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  44. Alguns estados já tornou ilegal dirigir ao falar em um telefone celular portátil. Você acha que esta é uma boa lei que deve ser passado em outros estados também? Por que ou por que não? Explique sua resposta.
  45. O poeta WH Auden escreveu, “As máquinas são benéficas na medida em que elas eliminam a necessidade de mão de obra, prejudicial na medida em que eles eliminam a necessidade de perícia.” Você concorda? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para explicar a sua resposta.
  46. Os alunos estão aprendendo ciência o suficiente na escola? Argumentar a favor ou contra um requisito ciência expandiu nas escolas secundárias.
  47. Segundo um provérbio grego antigo, “Todas as coisas boas de saber são difíceis de aprender.” Você concorda? Por que ou por que não?Use razões específicas e exemplos para explicar a sua resposta.
  48. William Hazlitt escreveu: “O homem é um faz-de-animal ele nunca é tão verdadeiramente a si mesmo como quando ele está representando um papel.” Você concorda? Explique sua resposta usando razões específicas e exemplos.
  49. Imagine que você tem um parente que não está familiarizado com computadores e nunca foi na Internet. Escrever um ensaio convincente esta relação para obter um computador e ficar on-line.
  50. Imagine que você tenha encontrado um apartamento grande para compartilhar, mas o seu novo companheiro de quarto não quer que algum animal de estimação. Escrever um ensaio convencer seu companheiro de quarto para deixá-lo levar seu animal com você.
  51. De acordo com um provérbio da Checoslováquia, “Better uma mentira que acalma que uma verdade que dói.” Você concorda? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para explicar a sua resposta.
  52. Imagine que o seu ensino médio (ou alma mater) decidiu acabar com um clube a que pertence (ou pertencia). Escrever um ensaio persuadir os funcionários da escola para não desmantelar essa organização.
  53. “Original” contos de fadas, como as registradas pelos irmãos Grimm, muitas vezes contêm violência. Alguns críticos literários e psicólogos infantis acreditam que esses contos são bons para crianças, porque elas endereço real medos, sentimentos e desejos das crianças. Outros argumentam que contemporâneos “higienizado” contos de fadas ainda transmitir os principais temas dos contos e são muito mais apropriado para as crianças. Como você se sente sobre esta questão? Use razões específicas e exemplos para explicar a sua resposta.
  54. Imagine que você tenha feito isso para a última rodada de entrevistas para um novo emprego. Convencer seus potenciais empregadores que você é a pessoa que mais merece a posição.
  55. A maioria dos horários do ensino médio incluem um período sala de estudo várias vezes por semana. sala de estudo é um desperdício de tempo, ou uma pausa necessária da classe? Afirmar a sua posição e usar razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  56. Imagine que você tem um amigo que não tem nenhum dinheiro em sua conta poupança. Convencer esse amigo que é importante para criar e seguir com um plano de poupança.
  57. Durante a temporada de férias de Natal, imagens de Papai Noel estão em toda parte, e as crianças muitas vezes fazem fila para tirar fotos com adultos vestidos como Papai Noel. Algumas pessoas sentem que as crianças não devem ser levados a acreditar que Papai Noel é real.Você concorda? Por que ou por que não? Use razões específicas e exemplos para apoiar sua posição.
  58. Existe algo que você acredita que é realmente vale a pena lutar? Escrever um ensaio persuadir os outros de que esta causa vale a pena lutar.
  59. Escrever um ensaio convencer o seu melhor amigo para tentar a sua marca favorita de junk food. Imagine que você foi convidado para ajudar a arrecadar dinheiro para uma instituição de caridade local. Escolha uma instituição de caridade e escrever um ensaio convencer os leitores a contribuir para a campanha de angariação de fundos.
  60. Escrever um ensaio sobre o melhor filme que você assistiu em sua vida!


1. In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic (for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of humor) that a person can have to be successful in life? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer. When you write your answer, you are not limited to the examples listed in the question.

2. If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition, what would you choose? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

3. Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.

4. Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt. Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.

5. A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

6. If you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and where would you go? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

7. What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

8. Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university. What are some of the important qualities of a good roommate? Use specific reasons and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

9. People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress? Use specific details and examples in your answer.

10. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

11. Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

12. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.

13. It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

14. It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

15. It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your community. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details in your answer.

16. What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

17. It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

18. Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

19. How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

20. Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

21. Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

22. In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

23. In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.

24. A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

25. Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.

26. What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have these qualities changed or remained the same over time in your culture? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

27. What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

28. We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

29. People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons. Use specific examples and details to support your answer.

30. What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

31. What do you want most in a friend — someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.

32. Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

33. Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

1) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

2) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts. Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.

3) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

4) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

5) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is nothing that young people can teach older people. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

6) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

7) Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

8) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

9) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person’s childhood years (the time from birth to twelve years of age) are the most important years of a person’s life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

10) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

11) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing a game is fun only when you win. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

12) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

13) Decisions can be made quickly, or they can be made after careful thought. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The decisions that people make quickly are always wrong. Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

14) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People behave differently when they wear different clothes. Do you agree that different clothes influence the way people behave? Use specific xamples to support your answer.

15) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

16) Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

17) “When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

18) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

19) It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.

20) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

21) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.

22) Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

23) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

24) Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

25) Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

26) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

27) The expression “Never, never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

28) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

29) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

30) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

31) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

32) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

33) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

34) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer.

35) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

36) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

37) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

38) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

39) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has made the world a better place to live. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

40) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

41) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

42) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

43) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Telephones and email have made communication between people less personal. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

44) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Dancing plays an important role in a culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

45) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

46) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

47) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games teaches us about life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

48) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching television is bad for children. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.

49) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A zoo has no useful purpose. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

50) It is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer.

1. It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

2. When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details.

3. Some people trust their first impressions about a person’s character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person’s character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? Support your choice with specific examples.

4. Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

5. A friend of yours has received some money and plans to use all of it either:

    • to go on vacation
    • to buy a car

Your friend has asked you for advice. Compare your friend’s two choices and explain which one you think your friend should choose. Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

6. Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

7. Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family and friends. Other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience. Compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life. Which do you think is preferable? Use specific examples to support your preference.

8. You need to travel from your home to a place 40 miles (64 kilometers) away. Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use. Tell which method of travel you would choose. Give specific reasons for your choice.

1. If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed.

2. Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use this land? Use specific details to explain your answer.

3. You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to visit? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

4. If you could make one important change in a school that you attended, what change would you make? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

5. If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

6. If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

7. If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

8. If you could travel back in time to meet a famous person from history, what person would you like to meet? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

9. If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

10. If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

11. Holidays honor people or events. If you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

104 TOEFL Independent Writing Topics

Some people think that parents should plan their children’s leisure time carefully. Other people believe? those children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time, Which idea do you agree with?Give reasons for your choice.
People should be realistic rather than romantic in order to live a better life. Do you agree or disagree? with the statement. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
People should never be satisfied with what they have, they should always want something new or? something different Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Give reasons for your choice.
Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think? those friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use examples to) support your position.
Some students participate in school activities such as clubs and sports. Other students do not take part in?? such activities because they spend more time on their studies. Tell why you think the two groups of? students spend their time differently? Which type of student do you prefer to be? Explain why.
Travelling is more important than reading books in order to understand the people and the world Do you? agree or disagree with the statement Use specific reasons to support your answer.
Some people like different friends. Others like similar friends. Compare the advantages of these two? kinds of friends. Which kind of friend do you prefer? Explain why?
After they complete their university studies, some students live in their hometowns, others live in? different towns or cities. Which do you think is better … living in your hometown or living in different towns or cities. Give specific reasons for your answer.
Some people believe that newspaper is the best source of news. Others think that the news is presented? better on radio or television. Which of these sources of news do you prefer? Use specific examples too? support your choice.
Some people learn best when a classroom lesson is presented in an entertaining, enjoyable way. Other? people learn best when a lesson is presented in a serious, formal way. Which of these two ways of? learning do you prefer? Give reasons to support your answer.
Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Do others take the opposite? view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Tell which one you agree with and
explain why.
Some people pay money for the things they want or need. Other people trade products or goods for? what they need. Compare the advantages of these two ways of obtaining things. Which way do you? prefer? Explain why.
Some people believe that growing up in a large family, with several sisters and brothers, offers? more advantages than disadvantages. Other people think that being the only child is more? advantageous. Write a short essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each position. Explain which position you support.
Some people think studying in a university is worthwhile only because you can get a degree. Do you? agree or disagree with the statement? Give specific reasons to support your answer.
Inventions such as eyeglasses and the sewing machine have had an important effect on our lives.? Choose another invention that you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice.
Someone think that playing a game is fun only when you win. Do you agree or disagree with them? statement. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
A research center is going to be established in a university. There is an argument whether to establish an agricultural center or a business one. Which do you think is better. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
“Fiction (such as short stories or novels) can teach us more about life than textbooks can”. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific examples to support your answer.
Living in big cities has more advantages dm living in small towns or countryside. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific reasons to support your answer.
Some university students want to live in a room alone. Others prefer having roommates. Which do you like better living alone or living with roommates? Give specific examples to support your answer.
Some people like to travel alone, others like to travel together with several friends. Which do you prefer, Why?
Which is more important for you in your life? Knowledge from books you read, or personal experiences in reality. Please use details to explain your answer.
Newspapers contain many information topics such as sports, current event, business, and entertainment. Which topic do you like to read most often? Give reasons to explain your answer.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should always show their strong emotions (such as excitement, anger, or joy). Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Dissatisfaction leads to progress. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A student’s main purpose in getting an education is to earn a lot of money. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Some students like to attend a large university that has many students. Others prefer to attend a small university that has fewer students. Which type of university do you prefer?Use specific reasons and example to support your answer.
Some students like to have outdoor activities. Others like indoor activities. Which do you prefer? Give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.
How do movies or TV influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
Some people like to buy books to read, others like to borr4Dw books from libraries or from other people. Compare the advantages of these two ways of reading. Which do you prefer? Why?
Some universities arrange a long period of vacation for students in the school year, others arrange several short vacations. Which kind of vacation do you prefer—a long vacation or a short one? Give specific reasons and examples for your answer.
Some people like to communicate by telephone, Other people like to communicate by letter. Which do you prefer to communicate by phone or by letter? Use specific and details to explain your answer.
Some people like to listen to classical music, others like to listen to popular music (including popular songs). Which kind of music do you prefer? Give specific reasons for your answer.
Games teach people about life. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give specifics for your answer.
Many important natural resources such as water, forests, oil, etc, are running out in the world today. What should we do to protect them? Give specific examples to support your idea about one kind of these resources.
When people succeed, it is because of hard work luck has nothing to do with success, Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
Sometimes it is fun to think of living in another time and place. If you could experience a different time and place, what time and what place would you choose? Use reasons and specific details to support your answer.
Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer?
Some people like to eat at home and prepare food for themselves, others like to eat outside in restaurants or food stands. Which way of eating do you prefer.? give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.
Some say that the world would be a better place now if the automobile had never been invented. Decide if you agree or disagree with this statement and give specific reasons for your decision.
Some people say that the best way to raise children is to encourage them to be independent thinkers. Others disagree and say that children need to be taught discipline in order to become successful. Using specific examples, discuss these two opinions. State which one you agree with and why?
Some people like to work or study at night, others like to work or study during the day. Which do you prefer-work or study at night or during the day? Give, specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.
Some people like to study alone, others like to study with several people together. Which do you prefer-study alone or study with other people? Give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.
Some people like to use computers to type letter, others like t,o write letters with a pen. Which do you prefer and why?
Some companies like to employ younger and enthusiastic people, other companies like to employ older and experienced people. If you were a boss, which kind of people do you like to employ. Give reasons and specific examples to illustrate your answer.
“It’s better to make wrong decision dm make no decision at all.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give reasons or specific examples to illustrate your answer.
Some people tend to work only for money, while others believe that people should enjoy what opinion do. Which opinion do you prefer? Explain why?
Some people tend to study a subject in a very intensive way over a short period of time, while others
tend to study a subject constantly over a long period of time. What do you think is a better way of learning? Explain why.
Should the money invest into a university be used to improve the library or to improve the physical training facilities? What do you think? Why?
Should the money invest into a university library be used to buy books or to buy a computer? What do you think? Why?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities.

Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion?

Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place?

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

You have received a gift of money. The money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry you like or tickets to a concert you want to attend. Which would you buy?

Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television.

Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people’s lives. (1) automobiles (2) bicycles (3) airplanes

Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good?

Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly.

The expression “never, never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered

What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities?

Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer?

Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day’s work. Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night. Which do you prefer?

What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have these qualities changed or remained the same over time in your culture?

Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls.

Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer?

Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from?

What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone.

A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose?

Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit.

Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done. Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace. Which do you prefer?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children.

What do you want most in a friend ?someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable?

Which one of these characteristics is most important to you?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future.

Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an employer. Would you rather be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a business?

Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child’s success in school.

If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary?

Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students?

If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose?

Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion?

Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn.

Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.

Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools.

Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently?

Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country. Who would you choose?

Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt. Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has made the world a better place to live.

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